Virtually all Contractors has a fleet of vehicles transporting their employees to the various job sites. Whether the job site is new construction and the drivers drive to the same location every day for months or the contractor provides service to a wide range of customers throughout a geographic area, tracking is a needed component.
Tracking a contractor vehicle will provide important details about the events taking place throughout the driver’s day. How long was driver on a particular job site? How long was the commute? How many stops were made during the day? Did the driver leave the vehicle idling unnecessarily? Was the driver driving safely or recklessly? Was the driver wearing their seatbelt? All of this data is available to be reviewed, allowing the owner/manager to more efficiently run the business.
Important questions can be answered with the data from the Precise Fleet Tracking Solutions tracking devices. Does the driver need additional training? Does the driver need additional assistance to complete the jobs faster? Does the driver need coaching on better driving habits?
Answering these questions can pay substantial dividends to the business owner. With the appropriate training the employee can complete the job better yielding happier customers. The employee can complete the job faster having the ability to serve more customers in the workday. Better driving behaviors will save the owner money on unnecessary vehicle repairs, fewer accidents, less injuries and lower insurance premiums. All of this contributes to the bottomline of the business.
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“I Got A Guy” is a trademark of Michael Drelicharz